近日,韩国咨询机构SNE research公布了今年1到7月全球动力电池装车数据。今年1到7月,全球动力电池装车量362.9吉瓦时,同比增长49.2%。中国六家电池企业入围前十,并且以62.9%的整体市占率在全球动力电池市场占据绝对优势。
Chinese companies continued to dominate the global power battery market in the first seven months, responsible for over three-fifths of battery installations worldwide, said a report by South Korean market consultancy SNE Research on Wednesday.9月6日,韩国市场研究机构SNE Research发布的报告显示,1-7月中国企业在全球动力电池市场占据绝对优势,全球动力电池装车市占率超过60%。
According to the latest report, six Chinese battery companies were among the Top 10 such firms globally in terms of battery installations, with a total market share of 62.9 percent, from January to July. South Korea followed with three firms and Japan with one.报告称,今年1月到7月,中国六家电池企业全球动力电池装车量跻身全球前十,整体市占率62.9%。前十名还包含三家韩国企业和一家日本企业。
Specifically, Chinese battery giant Contemporary Amperex Technology Co Ltd maintained its leading position with total installed capacity of 132.9 gigawatt hours, up 54.3 percent year-on-year. Its global market share stood at an impressive 36.6 percent.中国电池巨头宁德时代位居榜首,其电池装车量132.9吉瓦时(GWH),同比增长54.3%,其全球市场份额高达36.6%。
Chinese EV maker BYD ranked second worldwide at 58.1 GWh, up a whopping 94.1 percent year-on-year. South Korea's LG Energy Solution followed with 51.4 GWh. China's CALB, EVE, Gotion High-Tech and Sunwoda were also among the Top 10.中国电动汽车制造商比亚迪以58.1 GWh电池装车量位居全球第二,同比增长94.1%。LG新能源以51.4GWh的全球装车量排名第三。中创新航、亿纬锂能、国轩高科、欣旺达四家中国电池企业也入围前十名榜单。
SNE Research said BYD has shown a noteworthy performance in the first seven months and has achieved broad popularity based on its price competitiveness in aspects such as in-house battery supply chains and vehicle manufacturing.SNE Research表示,今年1-7月比亚迪表现突出,通过自供电池及汽车制造等垂直一体化,在价格竞争力上占据优势,在市场上获得了较高的人气。
Zhou Mi, a senior researcher at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation in Beijing, said: "The notable performance of Chinese battery companies can be attributed to rising demand from major overseas consumer countries for renewable energy and new energy vehicles. Also, local companies have made great technological advancements in lithium battery manufacturing."商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院高级研究员周密表示:“中国电池企业的亮眼表现可以归因于海外主要消费国对可再生能源和新能源汽车的需求不断增长。此外,中国企业在锂电池制造方面取得了巨大技术突破。”
Similar views were shared by Pan Helin, co-director of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center at Zhejiang University's International Business School. Chinese battery firms have exhibited increasing strength in overseas markets, he said.浙江大学国际联合商学院数字经济与金融创新研究中心联席主任盘和林表示,中国电池企业在海外市场表现出越来越强的实力。
Currently, more than 10 Chinese power battery companies have announced plans for overseas investments.目前,已有10多家中国动力电池公司宣布了海外投资计划。
"For local battery firms and related companies in the industry chain, the global battery market still has the potential to grow manifold in terms of scale," Pan said.盘和林说:“对于中国电池企业和产业链中的相关企业来说,全球电池市场仍有潜力在规模上实现多方面增长。”
Over the past few years, CATL, for instance, has tried to penetrate overseas markets, and has been enjoying rapid growth in Europe and North America.过去几年,宁德时代持续开拓海外市场,并在欧洲和北美市场实现快速增长。
At the IAA Munich Car Show on Monday, CATL's principal engineer Gao Pengfei said the company plans to manufacture its ultra high-speed charging Shenxing battery not only in China, but also at its facilities in Germany and Hungary.在9月4日举行的德国慕尼黑车展上,宁德时代工程师高鹏飞表示,公司计划不仅在中国生产神行超充电池,还将在德国和匈牙利的工厂生产。
Shenxing, made with lithium iron phosphate (LFP), is able to deliver a driving range of 400 kilometers with a 10-minute charging time. It was unveiled in August with the company saying it is the world's first super-fast charging LFP battery.神行超充电池采用磷酸铁锂材料,充电时间为10分钟,续航里程可达400公里。该电池于8月推出,宁德时代表示这是全球首款磷酸铁锂4C超充电池。
LFP chemistry offers cost advantages compared to nickel-cobalt-manganese batteries used in cylindrical cells by automakers such as BMW and Tesla, Gao said.高鹏飞称,与宝马、特斯拉等汽车制造商采用的镍钴锰酸锂圆柱型高倍率电池相比,磷酸铁锂材料具有成本优势。
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